Join the plastic-free revolution!

Plastic is everywhere. Taking a shower? Your shampoo is in a plastic bottle. Getting a takeout coffee? The cup will be lined with plastic. Until recently, nobody seemed to give plastic a second thought, however, there is now a growing movement with more and more people pledging to go #plasticfree.

The BBC series Blue Planet 2 took to our screens in 2017 and was the most watched TV show of the year. The program’s narrator, David Attenborough, took viewers on a journey through the world’s oceans. Attenborough taught us about the beauty of sea life and how the well-being of underwater wildlife is in danger largely due to our plastic consumption.

In the final episode, David Attenborough called on us to do more to protect the environment.

"The future of all life now depends on us.” - David Attenborough.

So, who is taking Sir Attenborough's words to heart and taking action to rid our oceans of plastic?

Plastic-free aisle
Earlier this year the Dutch supermarket, Ekoplaza, launched a new plastic-free aisle in order to make the #plasticfree revolution more mainstream. The new aisle is currently in the Amsterdam branch of the chain and boasts over 700 plastic-free products, which are no more expensive than the plastic-wrapped goods the chain sells. The aisle will soon be introduced in the store’s remaining branches, making life without plastic a bit more accessible. Check out the Ekoplaza plastic free pop-up store yourself.

Plastic Free Tuesday
Plastic-free Tuesday is a growing global movement which encourages newbies to join the movement. It's a way to dip your toes into the plastic-free lifestyle, which can be difficult to dive straight in. The very useful website hosts a community of people with the same goal, offering tips and advice on how to cut down on plastic.

Visit the website to join the growing community of plastic free Tuesday-ers.

Say no to disposable cups
Due to their plastic lining, disposable coffee cups cannot be recycled and the UK alone sees 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups in their land wastes. In an attempt to address the problem, UK supermarket Waitrose has promised to remove all disposable cups from the in-store coffee cups. This one small change will save over 52 million cups a year in the UK from ending up in landfills. So next time you get your coffee fix, join the movement and invest in a reusable flask first!

The last straw
Another small yet important way to join the plastic-free movement is by saying no to straws. Yes, they may be tiny and not a top polluter of the oceans but single-use straws are completely unnecessary and can have hugely damaging impacts for marine life due to their size and shape.  

By simply saying no or buying a reusable drinking straw, we can all be part of the solution and continue raising awareness for the plastic-free movement.

Join the One Less Straw campaign here, and check out Straw by Straw if you can't give up on your straws and are looking for an eco-friendly alternative.

Zero-Waste Challenge
And finally, read about Kinder's very own Morgana and Jas' adventures in their journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle, where they not only declare war on plastic but explore alternatives to extremely wasteful day-to-day habits. 

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